Kirakira-haha Symphony Orchestra Application Form

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Kirakira-haha Symphony Orchestra Application Form

your name (first name)必須

your family name (last name)必須


Your musical experiences必須

What song have you been practicing lately?必須

How do you know about this orchestra?必須

Have you ever come to our concert before or watched the movies of us?必須

↑When and where was the concert?

↑Please let us know what you think and/or feel.必須

What is the appeal of our orchestra? Why did you decide to apply to Kirakira-Haha Symphony Orchestra?必須

Motivation to apply, enthusiasm and desire to play!必須

Please talk about what you think about society and your daily life.必須

postal code必須

your address必須

your cell phone number必須

your e-mail adress必須



Your children's age (please check the appropriate box)必須

If you are a student, tell us your school name and your grade.

& Please also include the name and relationship of the parent/guardian.

If you will bring your children with you to the rehearsals, please tell us her/his name and the birthday.

Please tell me about your plans to participate in practice.必須

Activities may be recorded in photos/videos, etc. and disseminated via printed materials, homepages, blogs, SNS, etc.必須

If you have your URL or some reference information, please give us.必須

Please connect with us on LINE to get in touch.必須

Please print and bind the sheet music yourself.必須

Please help us by filling out the questionnaire and giving us your impressions.必須

If you have anything else, please let us know.

Finally, please enter your email address again必須